About us

The Jammu and Kashmir Power Development Department (JKPDD) came into being in the year 1908, when it lit electric bulbs in the valley for the very first time. Ever since it has been relentlessly catering to the power need of Jammu and Kashmir. It is entrusted with the Transmission and Distribution of Electric Power. Based out in a state which is only second, after Mysore, to have genearted Hydroelectric power JKPPD has a long and rich history to share. The Kashmir Distribution Wing which was formerly known as the Electrical Maintenance and Rural Electrification wing (EMRE) is primarily involved with the distribution of power, billing and other related activities.


Departmental Users

The departmental users can now access following functionalities at their finger tips.
  • Download monthly revenue files
  • Access Employee details
  • Get the latest softwares and patches
  • Download RAPDRP related documents and estimates
  • Update your personal profile
Please contact IT administrator at itcell.emrekashmir@gmail.com to get your JKPDD esupport user credentials. Existing users can login here


Power Shutdown to 33 KV Line Waganpora Khanyar and Waganpora Takanwari
Tentative seniority list of Jr. Asslstants of Divisiona! Cadre, District Cadre Srinagar/Budgamf Ganderbal, Anantnag/ Pulwama/ Kulgam/ Shopain and Baramulla/Kupwara belonging to the PDD/PDC'
Tentative seniority list of Senior Assistant/Revenue Examiners of Divisional Cadre Kashmir of PDD/PDC carrying Functiona! pay Level-S (29200-92300)